Full “Snow” Moon in Virgo
The final full moon of winter embracing practical transformation.
The final of the winter full moons, the Snow Moon takes place on February 24 at 7:30am est. As February is typically the snowiest of months and when darkness is grasping at its control of hours in a day, this full moon encourages us to enjoy the last moments of winter, rest and reflection before a new season arrives. A time to honor all that the cold season has provided us, the insight we’ve gleaned and a gentle reminder that every challenging season has its end.
This full moon in Virgo helps us bridge the transformational and intuitive energy of Pisces season with practical application as we look forward. Virgo, the fixed earth sign of the zodiac, encourages us to analyze our day-to-day routine in an effort to determine where we can be of service, how we’re prioritizing our well-being and where there might be room for improvement or change. Consider this the time to create the goals, write the intentions and release what hasn’t worked in our day-to-day in order to make room for new. A practical grounded energy to perfectly compliment the ethereal and transformative internal power of Pisces season.
As the world begins to thaw and bloom… so, too, do we.
photo credit: @garyfultz via Unsplash